When LD Systems in Huston Texas was challenged with the installation of a state of the art sound system at the Coolidge Cricket Ground in Osbourn, Saint George Parish, Antigua there were many considerations. Supporting thousands of pounds of professional grade loudspeakers and subs shouldn’t be taken lightly…but when faced with a region known for nasty weather patterns such as hurricanes, ordinary audio mounting systems wouldn’t cut it.
Fortunately, Adaptive’s engineers have been designing custom AV mounting systems for over 30 years and were up for the task. 2 line arrays support systems, 2 sub array kits and 2 ground stacks were developed to support a total of 16 JBL 601’s, 10 JBL 901’s and 28 JBL ASB 6128 subs. The installation was a huge success and the site as well as the sound system has even weathered its first massive storm system with Hurricane Irma.